
Dear coffee sector, we need to talk about agrochemicals
When we talk about coffee production, we talk about the climate crisis, the matters of women and youth, the productivity and quality of crops, and the livelihood of smallholder farming families. But talking about all these very important topics, we oftentimes neglect...

Agrochemicals in coffee production: c&c kicks-off awareness month
The use of agrochemicals in coffee production is not getting enough attention and awareness. It holds threats and potentials. But there are also enough cost-saving, environment friendly and healthier alternatives to agrochemicals. Misuse of inorganic inputs in...

Phase III of c&c overview: Available for download
The initiative for coffee&climate (c&c) is currently in its third phase of implementation. With a focus on increasing climate action to improve smallholder families' livelihoods and minimize carbon emissions in coffee farms and landscapes, phase III will reach...

coffee&climate phase III: No more talking – let’s act!
The initiative for coffee&climate (c&c) just kicked off its third phase of implementation to increase climate action in coffee production. The target is ambitious: continue to develop suitable responses to climate change and roll out knowledge on climate-smart...

The initiative for coffee&climate attends Frankfurt Coffee Festival 2021
Telling a story everyone in the coffee industry should know, the initiative for coffee&climate (c&c) highlighted the impact of climate change on smallholder families’ livelihoods during Frankfurt Coffee Festival 2021. The 3-day festival organized by the...