join our climate action
Become a member
“I always say that behind each cup of coffee there is a story of people who try to make something good. The whole coffee value chain should have that – a value.”
Aida Escolán – Coffee Farmer from Honduras
Who can join coffee&climate?
The initiative for coffee&climate is encouraging private companies and public partners to join c&c. Roasting companies, trading companies and farmer organizations as well as development agencies can become members. But also NGO’s and research institutes are invited to participate in coffee&climate. To meet the different needs and expectations, c&c offers different membership levels. Get in touch with us to learn more about these collaborative opportunities.
Why joining our climate action?
The initiative for coffee&climate is based on the power of pre-competitive partnership. As the challenges of climate change for coffee production are too big to be tackled alone, c&c is the ideal solution for the coffee sector to respond together in a practical way that cannot be found in other setups.

c&c members pool resources, cooperate, innovate and learn together
In c&c, members are coming together as partners to develop and implement approaches and tools that are needed to secure smallholder coffee farmer families livelihoods and establish coffee production systems of the future. The c&c network makes experiences available and shares them via the c&c online toolbox and within Communities of Practice as functional platforms uniting like-minded practitioners and decision takers locally. In these expert committees members come together, analyze and discuss with each other what has been learned and what is further needed to address the challenges deriving from climate change.
c&c not only supports smallholder farmer families and helps to shape climate smart coffee farms and regions, it also focuses on the establishment of carbon neutral and zero-deforestation coffee production. To increase the climate resilience of coffee landscapes, the initiative promotes processes to establish a Climate Smart Coffee Region.
Find out about membership opportunities
Become a member of coffee&climate and contribute to drive the coffee sector’s reaction to the effects of climate change on coffee production.
The initiative for coffee&climate is open for private and public partners, NGO’s and Academia.
Get in touch with us to find out, what is possible.
the value of cooperation with coffee&climate
- Our work is action-oriented, with a long track record of practical field experiences and significant achievements from important coffee producing regions.
- Our approach focusses on the smallholder families and aims at improving their livelihoods while adapting to changing climatic conditions and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions related to production, processing and transport.
- We work at farm and landscape level continuously assessing improved practices and tools that support required change.
– - We will develop a consistent carbon offsetting system tailor-designed to coffee production systems and landscapes that provides equal benefits for local communities and carbon credit buyers.
- With the first Climate Smart Coffee Region, which addresses climate related issues beyond coffee production, we will have the ideal platform to for effectively cooperating with government organizations and stakeholders from coffee and other sectors towards concrete climate action in coffee landscapes.
- The concept will also allow to combat deforestation and forest degradation.
- With our strong national and international networks, we strive to improve the political and institutional framework in the project regions to prepare the path for a solid agenda on climate change strategies.
- Climate change and its impacts are complex, only together as a sector can we establish resilient livelihoods, therefore, we strongly believe in joint learning and partnerships focusing on long-term cooperation.
- With our public online platform, the coffee&climate toolbox, we enable a cross-sector exchange of experiences, the dissemination of know-how and foster further scaling.
- The initiative with its impact-oriented work contributes to achieving the goals of the agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Interested in joining? Get in touch!
what members say
Climate change and to get the next generation to see a future in coffee growing are the biggest challenges within the coffee sector today. This makes initiatives such as coffee&climate extra important. Here we work together with others to improve the opportunities for small-scale coffee farmers to meet climate changes and improve their living conditions – great for both coffee growers and coffee lovers around the world.
The climate effort must involve everyone – governments, companies, coffee growers as well as consumers. In our climate work we employ a long-term approach and benefit from cooperation. The initiative for coffee&climate has made a genuine difference in the key coffee producing regions. It has brought growers together, demonstrated various solutions on test farms and distributed practical information through the coffee&climate toolbox and based on the training of trainer format.