Our webinar, “Unspoken Realities: About the safe use and handling of agrochemicals” is now online!
During our webinar, Lilian Törnqvist, Senior Advisor at the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KEMI), and Thomas Alveteg, Senior Program Specialist at the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), joined our c&c program manager Stefan Ruge, to share their unique perspectives and discuss how the safe use and handling of agrochemicals can be further promoted in the coffee sector.
Apart from exploring what the current reality of agrochemicals in the coffee sector looks like and what this means for smallholder coffee farmers, our panelists also talked about what solutions are available to impulse the safe use and handling of agrochemicals at every level of the coffee sector. To end our table talk discussion, we asked them to name one thing that is needed to achieve great impact. Their response? Collaboration and long-term partnerships. In case you missed it, make sure to visit the link below!

Watch the webinar recording: